Actress beauty tip #10: Audrey Hepburn’s perfume

This is the tenth installment of my monthly classic actress beauty tips that I have read about and tested.

I love perfume. It’s nice to be recognized with a particular scent. It’s feminine and fun.

Several actresses were perfume addicts as well. The Turner Classic Movies documentary “Movies and Moguls” said Gloria Swanson spent $500 per month on perfume in the 1920s.

The ad reads “Once she was the only woman in the world allowed to wear this perfume. L’Interdit. Created by Givenchy for Audrey Hepburn.”

Recently I’ve been trying out different perfumes used by actresses. This month, I tried out Givenchy’s L’Interdit which was created and worn by Audrey Hepburn. The scent was created in 1957 and was made solely for Audrey. It was only offered in stores after she had worn it for a few years.

I’ve had a sample of this perfume for at least five years. It came in a gift set with my Very Irresistible Givenchy perfume and I simply forgot about it.  I only realized that I had it, and that it would make a good beauty tip, last weekend.

I wore it last week so I could smell it, get others to smell it and see if I could tolerate it for the whole day.

The perfume doesn’t smell bad. In fact, it’s pretty light and airy, but it is a very mature smell.  It has that musky, powdery smell that fills your nose when you sit behind an old woman in church.

My thoughts about the mature scent were confirmed when I had friends smell my wrist and say, “You smell like my mom” or “Aw that makes me think of my grandmother.”

To review:  The perfume smells nice and is light, but is probably a little mature for a 22-year-old. I may try again in a few years to see if my opinion changes.  On a side note, I read that the L’Interdit sold now isn’t the original scent. One blog said the original L’Interdit was much more spicy and exotic and not as flowery and musky. It’s a shame it was changed because that sounds much more appealing.

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